The Far-UVC
ShortWaveLight 215™ Emitter
The NS Nanotech ShortWaveLight 215™ Emitter is based on our years of work on advanced nitride semiconductor technology (the "NS" in our company name). As the most efficient solid-state source of human-safe short-wavelength "far-UVC" photonic disinfection, it can effectively deactivate the airborne pathogens that cause Covid, influenza, RSV, and many other potential deadly viral infections. First shipments of samples to manufacturing partners and application developers began in 2024.

The ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter integrates a nitride semiconductor that emits far-UVC solid-state light at 215 nanometers for disinfection applications

Cool and Compact
Photonic Disinfection
The ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter is the world’s only solid-state semiconductor that produces invisible, high-energy photonic disinfection (ultraviolet germicidal irradiation) in the human-safe far-UVC spectrum. Our proprietary nitride semiconductor architecture is based on a patented thermionic cathodoluminescent vacuum tube triode. Generating light at 215 nanometers, it is the world's highest-energy semiconductor light source.
And because it is a solid-state product, the ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter is smaller, runs cooler, and will be less costly than the krypton-chloride gas-plasma excimer lamps currently used for far-UVC disinfection. It is a new light source that opens the door to new exciting solutions from developers of air, surface, and water disinfection applications. ​
New Applications for a
100-Year-Old Technology
Traditional 254 nm UVC light that has been used for disinfection for more than 100 years suffers from a major drawback: it can't be used around people because its longer wavelength penetrates and damages live cells in skin and eyes. To avoid human harm, it has to be used when no one else is in a room. Or, it must be enclosed in HVAC systems or installed high in the room and pointed at the ceiling. Therefore its applications are limited, especially in situations where people are actively spreading the virus in airspace that's not being constantly disinfected. But because short-wavelength far-UVC light from 200-to-230nm can be used more safely around people, it can directly disinfect the air and surfaces in locations where people gather. It enables an entirely new approach to UVC disinfection, providing constant, proactive photonic disinfection, rather than reactive, after-the-fact treatment of air and surfaces.
Learn how far-UVC light can be deployed to provide photonic disinfection in restaurants, schools, at work, in stores, in homes, and anywhere else people need to be protected from viruses and other pathogens.

How UVC Light Deactivates Viruses
UVC light neutralizes viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens on surfaces and in air by disrupting their nuclear RNA to prevent them from reproducing. For more than a hundred years, UVC light has been used to sanitize air, surfaces, and water in factories, water treatment plants, office-buildings, schools, public transportation, and many other public and private spaces. Unfortunately, traditional UVC light at 254 nanometers can harm skin and eyes, so it has to be turned off when people are around. But recent academic research has found that shorter-wavelength UVC light known as "far-UVC" light, from 200-to-230nm, is less harmful to skin and eyes and can be used in many more places where people congregate.
The First Line of Defense Against Viral Infections and Other Pathogens
Far-UVC light inactivates a vast range of microbes, viruses that cause Covid 19 and the flu, and other infectious pathogens in the air, water, and on surfaces. With a short spectrum wavelength range from 200-to-230 nanometers, if is safer to use around people than traditional UVC light at 254nm and longer wavelengths.
Invisible ultraviolet light in the far-UVC wavelength range is a first line of defense that can deactivate airborne viruses before you breathe them in. A second line of defense—your face mask—doesn't deactivate viruses but can stop them from entering your body. Vaccines then act as a third line of defense by preventing viruses from replicating after they've already entered your body and infected you. All three lines of defense will be important as Covid-19 becomes an endemic disease. But wide deployment of UVC disinfection at the front lines can dramatically lessen the viral load in the air, increasing the effectiveness of the second and third lines of defense.

One 2022 study demonstrated that far-UVC lights were able to neutralize 98 percent of airborne pathogens in an 11-by-14-foot room in less than five minutes.

The Far-UVC Safety
Far-UVC light, at wavelengths from 200-to-230nm, deactivates viruses in the air but doesn't penetrate the skin far enough to reach live cells. When it reaches your body, your external"stratum corneum" layer of dead skin cells absorbs the light before it reaches your living cells. And when it reaches your eye, your protective tear layer absorbs the short far-UVC light waves before they can reach your cornea. Therefore far-UVC photonic disinfection can be used in many locations where longer-wavelength 254nm UVC light cannot be used.
Academic Research on
Far-UVC Safety, Efficacy
Research has shown that far-UVC light deactivates pathogens safely and effectively. Several Columbia University reports, including one in Nature, and one of many Kobe University studies, explain these advantages in detail. ​