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Far UVC Application Note #3:

for the
Built Environment

The ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter
Close-Quarters Disinfection 
Starts With Far-UVC Light

NS Nanotech's far-UVC ShortWaveLight 215 Emitters can be easily integrated with standard LED lighting systems to provide constant disinfection of the air in the built environment. They are ideal for close-quarters disinfection in occupied spaces such as office cubicles, hotel reception areas, restaurants, classrooms, and workbenches. In the past, there was no way to constantly disinfect the air with longer-wavelength UVC light in these occupied environments, but short-wavelength far-UVC light has been proven safe and effective for use around people.

In recent years, "sick building syndrome" has highlighted the need for comprehensive improvements in indoor air quality throughout the built environment. Offices and commercial spaces can be hotbeds for the spread of Covid, flu, measles, and other airborne diseases. Good ventilation can reduce the viral load of pathogens in the air, and the CDC and other experts recommend five or more air changes per hour (ACH). But most offices and commercial spaces deliver only two-to-three ACH due to high energy costs and unwanted fan noise at higher rates. Combining far-UVC disinfection with normal ventilation can dramatically increase “equivalent air changes per hour" (eACH). In one study at Columbia University, far-UVC disinfection increased equivalent ventilation in a room-sized environment from three ACH to an astounding 184 equivalent air changes per hour.

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Photonic Disinfection
Your Personal Airspace

NS Nanotech’s 215-nanometer far-UVC emitter can easily be integrated with standard lighting systems to provide human-safe close-quarters disinfection. Unlike traditional 254nm UVC light that can harm skin and eyes, far-UVC’s shorter 200-to-230nm wavelength range is approved for constant use around people. Therefore it can provide continuous inactivation of airborne pathogens safely and effectively. 

​​Because the ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter is a solid-state semiconductor-based far-UVC light source, it can be used for disinfection solutions throughout the built environment. It is small and cost-effective enough to be integrated into pendants, desk lamps, down-lights, and other standard lighting systems for continuous disinfection of public and private spaces. And its small form factor enables unobtrusive distribution of multiple emitters in confined spaces, reducing shadowing and line-of-sight effects.

Flooding the Zone with Far-UVC Disinfection
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A distributed array of far-UVC ShortWaveLight 215 Emitters can be integrated with LEDs into pendant lamps that illuminate occupied spaces. By "flooding the zone" with photonic disinfection coverage, the lamps can reduce the concentration of airborne viruses and other pathogens, providing continuous all-day protection..

How Far-UVC ShortWaveLight Deactivates Pathogens

UVC light neutralizes viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens on surfaces and in air by disrupting their nuclear RNA to prevent them from reproducing. Far-UVC light, at wavelengths from 200-to-230nm, deactivates viruses in the air but doesn't penetrate the skin far enough to reach live cells in the skin or eyes. Therefore far-UVC photonic disinfection can be used in many locations where longer-wavelength 254nm UVC light cannot be used.​

Our ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter is the world’s only solid-state semiconductor that produces far-UVC light at 215 nanometers. It is a new light source that opens the door to exciting new solutions from developers of air, surface, and water disinfection applications. â€‹â€‹

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Calling All
Application Partners

We are actively seeking potential application development partners with experience developing, deploying, and servicing commercial and office lighting systems that can integrate photonic disinfection into the built environment with our far-UVC ShortWaveLight 215 Emitters.


We manufacture our ShortWaveLight 215 Emitter as a light source for any applications requiring far-UVC disinfection in occupied spaces. Potential applications range from elevators to airplanes to ambulances to school buses and any other environment where airborne viruses threaten people's health.


We are searching for business partners in multiple markets who can finish development of innovative applications and deploy and support them successfully. If you have experience developing and marketing lighting or UVC disinfection applications in this post-Covid era, be sure to get in touch

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